Observing Observational Observations
I don’t discriminate. I evaluate.
Get what you want. Take what you need.
Dear ________. You will no longer be taking up any space in my brain.
One of my favourite words is “Demolish”. It has such power and authority. It’s a shame it’s hardly ever used. You don’t just destroy a building, you DEMOLISH it. Like wiping it off the face of the earth. Awesome.
When it comes to life I'd say I'm a professional amateur.
We all know that Jean-Claude Van Damme is by no means a good actor. He's there for one purpose and that is to lay an on-screen beating which he does (or did) very well. It's not surprising that his star power faded long ago. In the movie Hard Target he plays a homeless man who looks like he just got his hair styled and walked out of a gym after a brutal workout, two things that destroy the credibility of his role as the above mentioned homeless man. The reason I share all this bullshit is to lead up to what might be the worst piece of dialogue in cinematic history. You have to see it and hear it to believe it but here it goes. A woman asks why people call him 'Chance'. He replies with his annoying accent and dead stare "Because my momma took one." And there you have it.
A friend was telling me about his grandfather's involvement in World War 2. They were in the trenches and some guy who went by the name 'Shakey' pulled the pin out of a grenade for no apparent reason. Everyone except his grandfather got the hell out of there. "Shakey, you put that goddamn pin back in the grenade." he said. Shakey looked confused but finally put the pin back in. While listening to this little story I couldn't help but wonder...why in the hell is a guy they called Shakey allowed anywhere near a grenade to begin with?
When siamese twins start throwing punches nobody really wins.
I get off on being nice to people. It's this problem I have.
Sometimes it feels better not to care. I'm slowly learning to choose my battles carefully.
There are times when I don't understand my face. I get as close to the mirror as possible and give my facial muscles a workout, trying to understand how they function. I wonder how the blood vessels beneath maintain themselves. I imagine the skull beneath the skin and the spongy material that makes up my brain as electrical impulses dance around madly while neurons fire on all cylinders. Nature's imperfect engine.
I go over to a friend's place and knock on the side door without an answer. I go to the front door and knock again. His elderly father opens the door and says "If you knock any goddamn louder you're gonna break my goddamn door." Knowing that I knocked politely on the door I almost burst out laughing at the impossibility of the situation. This is a man who fathered six children, my friend being the youngest and whenever I've dealt with him he's been a bitter asshole. I have no clue how he could have raised six kids. Recently he ended up in a nursing home and in the first week he called one person a "blockhead German" and accused another of being a draft dodger. Maybe somebody will put him out of his misery before he dies of old age. Not that I would wish that on anyone but maybe that's his intention. End of the line.
A friend of a friend got fired from a fast food restaurant for not cutting the pickles properly.
I don't neccesarily buy into the 'addictive personality' trait. I don't deny that there could be some genetic component but I just don't think that alcoholism or drug addiction is a 'disease'. You don't choose to have a disease. You choose to open a bottle or get high. If anything it's more of a lifestyle. Certain people are just not able or do not want to live a life acceptable by societies standards and turn to alcohol and/or drugs to fill the void. They don't have what it takes to create their own happiness and don't see a way out without the comforts of temporary oblivion. Alcoholism and drug addiction obviously cross all income brackets but I'm not trying to write an essay here. Bottom line: Taking the hardened edge off of reality.
A few random questions:
-Do you think many psychiatrists secretly enjoy listening to their patients on a purely entertainment level?
-Do you have a hard time looking certain people in the eye? Do you wonder if this is somehow related to forgotten childhood experiences?
-Do you ever feel like your facial expressions and body language might reveal much more than you want them to?
-Are you aware of your capacity to incite violence in somebody else?
The biggest bullshit cliche of all time has to be "Live every day like it's your last." It's impossibe to understand that kind of mindset unless you really DO have one day to live. Otherwise, no. You are NOT in any way shape or form living every day like it's your last. Even if you could, it sounds exhausting.
There's a new show called "My Strange Obsession" that documents a woman's addiction to drinking gasoline. Yes, you read that correctly. I've heard of huffing gas but drinking it? How do you get started on something like that? You're at a party and the booze runs out so you decide to siphon the gas tank? Wow. She says that she knows it's killing her but she can't stop. Wow again. I assume she's not a smoker.
If people actually laughed out loud every time they typed 'lol' there would be a hell of a lot more laughter happening.
What's all this nonsense about being "a member of the community"? Oh, I get it. It's a money thing. Yawn.