New Poems
Reality gives into truth
Do it for the comfort of others
Do it to satisfy yourself
I want to create glory in our connection
I can’t cheat myself of this perfect adventure
It is beyond words
Don't turn it into an endless cycle of indifference
They could be farming out this ideal
A risk you take when you meet a stranger
Forgive yourself for your past resentment
Don’t suffocate on mundane principles of old
Create a wholesome intellect of the new you
Visualize a romance and then dive right in
Process your credibility into ecstacy!
Where is your youthful ambition?
You sit on a park bench
and watch neglected children
imitating barbarians
You stare as if lobotomized
As if one too many hardships
ruined your faith’s protection
Like you have nothing to confess
besides the failure of your revolution years
and the obsolete language of your memories
True Freedom
Past the individual self
It's out of style now
Begging to be forgotten
See past it
Move past it
Find that place with no limits
A world brand new
An endless ocean of pure imagination
Thoughts hit like tidal waves
Ride the currents of bliss
Find that perfect elixir
that renders time useless
All channels set to meaning
in its purest form
The heart of everything
Prison flesh abolished
Everything is attainable
We trade in silence
I let your face do the talking
I will be a witness to your fate
Your dilemma won’t be cured by love
There is no logic to what you want
You don’t fit in with your concept of life
Your absurdity is no longer an alien concept
This densely populated area is weighing on you
Nothing turns you on like solemn rituals
A prison shower
A hospital bed check
A funeral procession
Your wild imagination come to life
A smile on your face
Memories blast through my head like bullets.
The roots run deep.
Is every prayer at its core ripe with fear?
What does it mean to be blessed?
Is it a feeling or an entitlement?
Perhaps both.
Does it change the way you feel about loneliness?
Most still starve for praise.
Flesh and mind awash with gluttony.
I deny this strange language.
However, I do not judge.
Life so frail.
Death so final.
There is no comfort here.
Time to create our own.
I don’t get enough fibre
I’m confused about what toothpaste and shampoo to buy
I don’t appreciate nature enough
I worry about my thought process
I sometimes neglect my hygiene
I hate everything about the winter
I should visit my Grandma more
I smoke too many cigarettes
I don’t get many style points
I elaborate on things compulsively to avoid boredom
I believe there is great comedy in incompetence and failure
I inherited a dead man’s uniforms at work
I find shame to be obscene.
I think it is healthy to remain completely incomplete
I obsess over things I have no control over
I have never been in the back of a police car
One of my problems is that I'm too obedient
Sometimes I wish I had a new identity
The best and worst weapon is language
There's an intimacy to the lies I tell myself that needs to be protected
When I’m not at home my phone is my enemy
The idea of destiny only sometimes makes sense
My memory sometimes eludes me
Sometimes my mental errors are costly
My intellect works only around certain people
Sometimes it is useless trying to explain myself
An education of desire in dreams
Aimless dusty roads a hopeless disguise
Searching for a mesmerizing force
An elegant energy
Memory fighting the moment
What a tragic confession!
and echoed like an avalanche
I had never known someone who could bury me
with words so easily
I knew there was no equality between us
and she would always win
My love was my failure
but I can't help who I am
or what she made me become
My words were powerless to reconcile
My best weapon
I want it all and I want it now.
I've kept quiet long enough.
This has nothing to do with you.
I deserve some measure of solitude.
You are high on the waiting list
to be disqualified from the human race.
Surrounded by monuments celebrating
your monumental ignorance.
There is no healing you.
I was wrong.
It's always about you.
I secretly hate your indifference.
I was once an innocent man.
Now I risk everything.
Where is fear?
I have a score to settle
I want my life back
I want to find that bastard
I want to beat it dead
Then piss on it
Watch its brains
drip into the sewer
Send it to some kind of hell
While I calmly light a cigarette
and start my new life
I will no longer be a stranger
in my own mind
A Disposal
You’re not relevant to my pain anymore
Give me the right to wallow
in absurdity again or I will take
your rights from you
I’m tired of playing it safe
My reasoning is fool-proof
And you are the fool
The sadness of your lies is your undoing
They crumble under analysis
Your philosophies make you incapable
of love or any kind of respect
I’ve granted myself the right to judge you
You don’t realize the burdens
of your confessions
until it’s too late and
with the urgency of a child
I flush you away
And get on with my day
A Simple Judgement
You can't handle solitude.
Your surface is utterly unremarkable.
You have created nothing
Your identity is scattered in places you never wanted to be.
Your life is a map burned to ash. Nobody remembers you.
You cling to strange virtues like a life preserver
then abandon them when you need them most.
You wish for some kind of immediate apocalypse.
I’m sick of your well calculated irony
Fuck you and your fancy phrases
Your attempts at humour inspire disgust
Enough with the melodrama and all those USELESS ADJECTIVES
Ohhhh…nice metaphor, asshole
You go through the usual range of emotions as my patience evaporates
I like to see you struggling to grasp a concept that is beyond your comprehension
I’m sorry. I didn’t realize you were so SENSITIVE
Is life getting you down?
Your pain is the only thing that you have
Seeing your dull, sad expression makes me sick inside
Put down the pen
Throw the computer out the window
The world will be a better place
I sit here deprived of love while you talk about collecting burnt out televisions and filling your fridge with cigarette butts?
I sit here deprived of love while you talk about masturbating in the back seat of a hearse and harassing priests in some kind of purgatory?
I sit here deprived of love while you talk about your misfiring brain cells and destroying the transmission of hereditary genes?
I sit here deprived of love while you talk about middle-class cemeteries and the invisible fog corroding your brain?
I sit here deprived of love while you talk about the person at the checkout counter and the rehearsal for your next suicide attempt?
I sit here deprived of love while you talk about consumer trends and your favourite serial killer?
I sit here deprived of love while you deprive yourself of sitting here?
I deprive (you) of love while you SIT HERE?]]]
I love depriving (YOU?) ??????!!!!!!
I -----------<<< love {{‘’{,,&&&****----}}}
I ???------ <<<***!! am ))):::???----)))))!!!^^^^^!!!&&&
You'll never find what you're looking for
but many of us don't.
Nobody could ever accuse you of being boring
despite your faculties only being somewhat intact.
Some days it's war out there.
You will never be misled.
Your stubbornness won't allow it.
You are fully engaged in the moment.
The colour dances from your eyes as you speak.
You have a passion few can rival.
Your mind a weapon few can understand
and sometimes that's enough.