Subliminal White Trash

Welcome. This site contains a cross section of my writing including stories, comedy skits, poetry, dialogues and observational humour with a satirical edge. Feedback is much appreciated. Coming through people! Clear a path! My e-mail is

My Photo
Location: Burlington, Ontario, Canada

After graduating high school in 1995 with a significant amount of embarrassingly cliched emotional baggage, Kevin "Subliminal White Trash" Pearce made his way to Toronto in a perfectly understandable attempt to outrun his past. After encountering many similarly desperate and stubbornly eccentric people, Kevin found his way into the acting and spoken word scenes. With an amazing and almost inhuman effort, Kevin somehow negotiated through his self destructive tendencies on his way to finding some kind of second rate enlightenment in his strange little world of reckless, impulsive creativity. After spending three years in Toronto, Kevin decided to return to the suburbs in order to preserve his diminishing supply of mental health. Sometimes he even thinks it was the right decision.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

An Undisciplined Mind - (experiment)

No immigration policy...millions of applicants for money marathon drugged and left under the heating smog containment tanks...air replacement fees are not negotiable...sign up for organ transplants is over...the dope czars always win...the sickness breeds from mind to got a forgery so don't be so proud...keep it a secret...someday I will be recognizable to myself...until then the unity lesson is over...Earth built great machines to save itself...what percentage of the unemployed are on drugs...I want the excitement back...the great manipulator reinvents himself through time's sour roots...a deep space voyage based on hibernation...the soil is dead of the derelict cities left over from the reoccurrence...a zero gravity hospital zone...only few survived the full treatment...the tortured elements of an inept psychology...they don't trade in wealth they trade in your human cells for the immortality of machines...lookin' pretty sexy on ya...try to feel the pain just don't linger on it for long...the global warming typhoons shake the architecture of your fear...a working core function perceiving the difference of modern history hypocrisy...let him go...he's screaming in his underwear today...a functioning machine replaces the brain in consensus circles...strange forms of ice on the shore...people from other wars since try to play for danger...wave of terrorist breakouts...spy rings and talking about the fate of the planet as an opening gesture of impotence...skeletal development parts...artificial prison space...chemical brain involvement's developed into such plastic surgery techniques that finance your sex drive...never being seen...does it get cold in the heart when the brave run...does it look fair in the cosmos...somebody could be listening waste of effort...they haven't shut off the air yet...what's it going to take to get more tools...a lifetime spent wandering...a bearing on the opportunity...nice peaceful place all spent...maintaining the needs of competent production...the future is a chemical garden...we're not sending the wife down to the corner to make booze from captivity of introspective self...think of yourself more often...finding life still interesting...what's the pain of original prosperity...get a strong psyche profile...welfare workers are fed up with the broom... gently find another way of satisfying...lend money to develop the corporate farm techniques...further down the line...consideration for the elemental capacity of reasoning that makes up your mind...not wasted or unseen...beyond the sense of your immediate touch...don't stop thinking it's a trick...leftover predecessors were sent back to their families in body bags...don't break face with your policy...deep filters on the steps of the horizon on a tubular grid looking up at the stations...maybe not the best but would purify the atmosphere plenty...absolutionist mockery...something of deadly importance...there would be many monasteries on Earth...affectionate parasites in a field of malaria...stopping these plagues wouldn't look so bad...what's out there that makes any sense to spend your life on...we ask for clean that hasn't been tampered with or overexposed...
device tightens to your perception...navigate filthy condom rivers...gone insane in paradise...strange things happening to the mind lately...strange storms brewing in the distance...a perfectly disguised attack on any belief system...a mindless run through of the deepest paranoia's of the everyday... adjust the temperment...enough elements to sustain various controlled experiments that monitor deviant thought output...power struggle over drug distribution...another collapse of identity on display for all to see...ridiculed in dreams at warp speed...losing touch with a functional reality...who deserves the blame today...more unused scripts from the theater of the me and let me know what it's all worth...sweet dreams for a sour mind... when you wake up and it's OVER...

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Titles of Magazines I've Self Published

Various Repressed Emotions
Emotional Detox
Forget Hell
Pain Junky
Orgasm Death Gimmick (thanks W.S.B.)
This Mess We're In
Welfare Superstars and the reckless pursuit of indifference
Miserable Martyrs of Unwanted Ideals
A potential catalyst for the experimental psychotic masquerade of manipulated fear and desire
Put your stink on groovy pants
Paranoid Prayers of a Group Home Escapist
Let's reverse the polarity of the universe and shut your stupid mouth up
More useless information for you to mindlessly consume, misunderstand, and immediately forget
Embark on the future using the past as propulsion...the next state of reasoning commences
Apathy versus concern in an age that can't decide
When your family tree is dying, sometimes it's better to fall off than to rot on the branches
King of the Hill of the Mentally Ill
Holding out for the Hopeless
Low Rent Soap Operas in a Tidy Suburban Hell
Observations under Suburban Hypnosis
Another Shameless Publicity Stunt
How to Know Everything about Nothing and Nothing about Everything
Manufacturing Human Identities for the Dispossessed

A few that didn't make the cut:

Nuclear Bone Dust
Picking my nose in the moonlight
Don't Surprise Yourself unless you Disguise Yourself
Drugged Out Stupor Gravity Myth
Cold Brain Stem Not Much Drip
The Sperm Warriors War Years
The Winter of Truth and Bewilderment

Sunday, May 14, 2006

The Portrait

I dropped by my artist friend's apartment the other day and she offered to sketch a portrait of me. My shameless vanity won over so I sat in a chair for a couple of hours while she worked her magic. When she was finished, I held the portrait in my hands. I almost had an orgasm! What a handsome portrait this was! I said a quick goodbye, completely forgot to thank her and stole a large knife from her kitchen. I ran out and made five photocopies of the portrait. Then I robbed a liquor store. I handed a copy of the portrait to the employee and told him to give it to the cops when they arrived. I then robbed another liquor store and a few gas stations, once again giving the employees my portrait and careful instructions. Hopefully my beautiful face would grace the cover of the next day's newspaper or even the evening news! I wanted to share this beautiful portrait with the world!


It was Christmas eve and the church was buzzing with open heart surgery love. Jane March and her department store catalogue family were sitting in the front pew, blessed and fully dressed. The 8 o'clock service was about to begin, after all, and the people wanted servicing. Just as the minister approached his flock, a middle aged man named Trevor walked through the entrance. Trevor was well known to the church. He was mentally handicapped but served on just about every church comittee he could in hopes that he could one day play video games with God. Trevor was a bit of a lonely sort and his heart jumped when he saw Jane beckon him over to sit with her family who, incidentally, had never been scuba diving. As the service began, Jane introduced Trevor to her family as they took their seats. Jane and Trevor chatted during convenient pauses in the service, floating along on an ever expanding cloud of good cheer and an absence of reptiles. Suddenly, Trevor reached over and gently squeezed Jane's thigh. Jane felt confused for a moment but figured it was a gesture of holiday goodwill and the conversation continued. About thirty seconds later Jane noticed a certain look in Trevor's eyes that she couldn't quite place in her mind. It was then that Trevor leaned over with his tongue hanging out and gave Jane a sloppy kiss right on the lips, followed by a fart that echoed proudly off the smooth wood where he sat. The minister took two steps to his right and smacked Trevor on the back of his head. Trevor jumped out of his seat and with one swift movement, knocked the minister flat on his back. He then jumped on top of Jane and started dry humping her with reckless abandon. Jane's family and the rest of the congregation watched in horror as Trevor unleashed years of sexual frustration on his helpless victim. If the truth be told, Jane's husband found some level of enjoyment at the proceedings even if he would never admit it. After what seemed like an unholy eternity, Jane's oldest son wrestled Trevor off his mother where he pinned him to the carpet in the aisle. Trevor began to wail like a newborn once he accepted defeat, soiling himself in the process. Jane sat with a blank stare in her eyes, rocking back and forth in shock. The minister rose to his feet and dragged Trevor out of the church and launched him headfirst into a snowbank, temporarily forgetting his Christ complex. Jane's family took her home and the service continued while Trevor unleashed a river of tears face down in the snow. After a few minutes he walked up the street and grabbed a porno mag and a cheeseburger and began to walk home, alive in a way that few could ever dare hope to comprehend.

Note: This story is not a slight to the mentally handicapped in any way. If this material offends you go watch Friends or something. Isn't everyone on that show handicapped? And you LOVE it.

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Infomercial Parody

“Tell me and our studio audience and the folks at home how this product worked for you.”

“Well, to begin with I lost 178 pounds in my first month using it. All the moles and freckles on my face and body disappeared. All the mutilation scars on my arms and legs that I had because of depression BEFORE I found out about this product healed up perfectly. When I was a young child I was burned very badly over forty percent of my body. Those terrible scars and memories are gone. I suddenly have a beautiful tan on my whole body. My skin is absolutely flawless. I have no hair in unwanted places. To put it simply: I used to be ugly and now everything about me is beautiful. This product worked in every possible area of my life. Did I mention that it cured my lung cancer? I’m now back to smoking a pack a day and I feel amazing. I feel so good that when I’m out and about, people smile at me and I feel like BITING THEIR HEADS OFF. But in a good way. A gentle way. Because they really don’t know how ignorant they really ARE. This product proves that there is a God and if the Devil wants back into my life he better bring a serious arsenal of weapons because I will fuck him up. Simple as that. I don’t fuck around with mediocrity anymore. All I can say is USE THIS PRODUCT. My life is perfect and yours can be too. Did I mention that all my missing teeth grew back? My smile is blinding in its beauty. Everybody I know is completely jealous of me and that makes me feel fucking terrific. My epilepsy and diabetes are a thing of the past. Also, my vision is perfect…no more glasses. I used to cry myself to sleep. Now I LAUGH myself to sleep. My self-esteem has improved so drastically that I no longer feel lonely. EVER. It’s like I’m just starting to get to know myself and holy shit am I ever an AMAZING PERSON. I could go on and on. You will not be disappointed with this product. It made my life worth living and it can do the same for you. ”

“Well, there you go folks. It doesn’t get any better than this. Unbelievable. I love this woman. By taking our product she has found new life. I would fuck her without a rubber and I’m a married man. I take the product as well and look at me…I realized my dream of hosting an infomercial. Ever since I was a kid that’s been my burning ambition....and let me say this. I used to be an ugly duckling and now I'm a swan. A FUCKING SWAN. Nobody fucks with the swan. Just say that word with me. SWAN. Fucking beautiful. Damn I feel good. What else can be said? God bless and send us your money. Whether your life needs a passive fondle or a solid uppercut. You won’t be disappointed.”

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Observational Humour Part 3

I want to be more than a mutated clone of your failed communications with past lovers. I wanna take a mortgage out on you girl.

Just when you think you've heard it all some guy starts bragging that he injected peanut butter into his veins. He thinks himself a genius this one. I don't know if he was braindead before or after. Probably both.

Listen up, fuckface. You hang out at strip malls and smoke pot with your simpleton friends and try to look tough while waiting for your cell phone to ring so you can make plans to go to another strip mall to smoke more pot with your even dumber friends. Your gene pool leaves a lot to be desired. Who the fuck dresses you? A goddamn advertising agency? Clear a fuckin' path.

Evil never dies. It just gets a really bad hangover sometimes.

I'm flipping through the channels and I see Martha Stewart doing what Martha Stewart does. I swear...she mentions the words "soap" and "plants" about one hundred times each. It was disturbing. I was actually offended in a strange way. I wonder if she's having any effect on the suicide rate.

Try to reason out the world and still remain in control of who you are. Suck back a little darkness. Love yourself for a couple of minutes each week. Breathe smoke into your lungs when you're tired of air. Admire the purposeful movements of the cockroach. Also...It's the words that never get said that are most likely to put you in line with the dead.

You know you've got problems when you come home and some naked guy wearing a welding mask is passed out on a twister board surrounded by empty bottles of cheap wine and mayonnaise with a bunch of dirty needles stuck in the dartboard.

How many worlds of the imagination can you explore until you meet somebody who shows a little bit more?

They're all poets when they're dying. A bigger step into a greater nothing.

I don't fear what you understand because you don't understand your fear.

There are two kinds of people in the world. Those with places to go and those who go to places.

Wouldn't a bisexual person's ideal mate be a she-male? You know, tits and a dick? And maybe just A LITTLE hair on the ass...damn...I think I took this thought too far.

Observational Humour Part 2

I like to admire your psychic shit sculptures. Your enigmatic, aromatic insults.

To dream without a conscience is for the weak and vulnerable. It gives them a chance to shine.

It takes a special kind of girl to get away with a sweaty ass.

Poets have been mysteriously silent on the subject of compulsive masturbation.

What is it that sick old men in dirty undershirts know that I don't know? What are they hiding? Those filthy bastards.

The host of "America's Most Wanted" called this criminal he was profiling a "rotten, satanic animal." I thought that was about the funniest thing I ever heard.

I still don't understand my face.

A mild death wish is a beautiful human pursuit.

I got a letter from a friend the other day. He writes "Since the suicide attempt I have been very happy-go-lucky, making new friends and re-establishing contact with my family. Life is great." Man, that guy's fucked up.

Don't pretend like you wrote a song that captured the heart of a nation. And enough with those embarrassing smells. Try to have a conscience sometimes. Can't you see that we are SUFFERING?!? What strange, mad force has invaded your testicles? It's almost like you want to impregnate the universe with your sickness. Please show some mercy. We are fragile.

This coffee is disgusting. I wouldn't even throw this coffee in a drunk's face. This coffee shouldn't even be near a bowl of jello for fear that the fear would be fearless. This coffee is fit to soak a dictionary with. The dictionary should soak for awhile. Then you might know what I mean. Don't even try to tell me about jello. I know about jello. Don't be so curious about jello. That's my business. Learn some respect. Go to Harvard Business School and learn some fucking respect. There are enough superstars in Hollywood. There is no shortage of superstars in Hollywood or in the suburbs. Go kiss somebody.

This goddamn nurse dresses up like a goddamn ray of sunshine for Halloween but whenever I have a laughing fit she tries to give me a goddamn sedative.

I think civilization is doing a tremendous job keeping the cannibalism down. Take a break from your busy life and applaud yourself for not eating your fellow man. Well done. Or medium rare.

That which doesn't kill me makes me tired and confused so I turn to alcohol and psych meds. Then things get...well...y'know. Act like you know.

Another coating on my dead iron core. Cold brain stem not much drip.

My roommate shaved his beard off. That was about as much excitement as I could handle for one day.

"Do you have a mental illness?"
"No. I can't really get into it and I probably wouldn't be too good at it."

"Hey dude, you drinking tonight?"
"Yeah. C'mon over. Bring a bucket for your girlfriend."

"The kids can only vaguely recall the killing itself yet remember with brilliant clarity the labels on everybody's clothes."

Comedy Skits and Dialogues

“How’s your friend….the guy with cancer.”
“Oh him. He’s dead.”
“He must have put up quite a fight.”
“Actually, no he didn’t. He just kind of stared at the ceiling and waited to die. No fight at all. Just a lot of mumbling and nonsense.”
“You still with that crazy chick?”
“Yup. Still cries herself to sleep. Basically a lot of crying.”
“That’s sad.”
“Not really.”
“You still working at the same job making the big money?”
“Must be nice having money.”
“Yeah. It is.”
“I eat my skin, y’know.”
“Really? What’s the point?”
“I guess it just helps pass the time. And I saw it on TV.”
“So, what else is new?”
“Well, I’m drinking full-time now.”
“Finally turned pro, eh?”
“How did that test go anyways?”
“I passed it with flying colours.”
“What? You took drugs before the test?”
“Huh? No…..I did well on the test.”
“What do flying colours have to do with it then?”
“OK. I was on drugs. Those colours were fucking amazing.”

“So tell us….getting your hand bit off by a shark…Did it hurt? Were you scared? It must have been traumatic for you.”
“It hurt a bit. Was I scared? Not really. I didn’t much care for that hand anyway to be honest. Hardly ever used it. Although it was my designated nose picking hand. But now I use the other hand's fingers to pick my nose and I think I like it even better than before with the other hand. Plus the stump looks pretty cool. I’m always the life of the party missing a hand and all. People want to know about stuff like that. It’s actually had a really positive impact on my social life. I rub my stump on people’s faces and that always gets a laugh. Scares the hell out of kids but I truly enjoy scaring kids.”

“Hello. I’m trying to get a hold of Andrew. Is he there?”
“No, he’s not here right now.”
“Do you have his cell number?”
“No, he’s not in prison he’s just not here.”
“No…no. His cell phone number.”
“Are you calling from jail? I didn’t think each cell would have their own number.”
“No, I’m not calling from jail. I need his cellular phone number.”
“Oh, I see. Sorry, I don’t have it.”

"I told you not to mention it. Promise me you won't mention it...and if you did mention it at least tell me that you mentioned it."
"Well, I mentioned it to her but I told her not to mention it so it won't be mentioned again."
"So you told her not to mention it because I told you not to mention it?"
"Yes. She won't mention it...and if she does mention it she will feel guilty because she knows that both of us don't want her to mention it."
"OK. This conversation never happened. Don't mention it to anyone."
"Done deal."
"Thanks. You're a good friend."
"Don't mention it."

“Hello. I’m calling about the nature of the legal forms I’m supposed to sign.”
“The nature? You mean the wilderness? Well, I suppose the forms were once a tree.”
“No…no. What do the forms mean?”
“You think I’m mean? Most people think I’m nice. You don’t even know me.”
“No. I didn’t say that. What do the forms say?”
“They are forms. They don’t speak. Don’t be ridiculous.”
“Look. What the hell is your problem? You are totally misunderstanding what I’m saying to you.”
“What’s my problem? My prostate is the size of a golf ball and it takes me five minutes to pee.”
“OK…whatever. Let me talk to someone different.”
“Oh…you don’t think I’m different? I’m actually a visible minority.”
“How the fuck am I supposed to know or even care about that?!? Quit changing the goddamn subject and let me talk to your supervisor.”
“I wear a visor on hot days to help deal with the sun’s harmful rays but I wouldn’t call it super in any way and no you can’t talk to it because like the forms it cannot speak. It is an object and it does not have vocal chords.”
“Alright. Fuck you and fuck the forms. Go to hell.”
“I’d rather go to heaven.”
“Fuck you.” [click]

“You’re the best.”
“I appreciate it but how can you say that? There are billions of people on this planet and you’ve met a small small small percentage of them. I can’t accept that compliment.”
“You can be a real asshole. A really humble asshole.”

“Dude. I was just on TV! The local news!”
“No shit. How did it go down?”
“Well, earlier in the day some guy filmed me walking down the street.”
“That’s it? You didn’t talk to the guy?”
“No. They only filmed my body but I know it was me because of the clothes I was wearing.”
“So what was the point of that?”
“They were doing a story on the obesity epidemic.”
“You’re serious. That’s what you’re all worked up about? They showed your disgusting body jiggling down the street and hid your identity out of pity?”
“Yeah but I was on fucking TV man!”
“I just don’t see the big deal here other than the fact that you were a big deal with your fat ass and man breasts.”
“Dude, don’t put me down. You’re just jealous.”
“Oh c’mon. The people watching were probably laughing. Can’t you see that? They made a fucking example out of you.”
“Fuck, man. Don’t ruin it for me.”
“I’m just being honest.”
“BUT I WAS ON FUCKING TELEVISION. I’m gonna eat a pizza to celebrate.”
“My point exactly. Talk to you later superstar.”

“Oh, my God.”
“What about your God?”
“I just thought of something. I think I left the stove on.”
“What does your God have to do with that?”
“Nothing. It’s just an expression.”
“An expression of faith towards your God?”
“No. It’s just something people say.”
“Is your God in trouble? Are you in trouble?”
“Yeah. If my home burns to the ground.”
“Maybe you should just trust your God on this one.”
“To be honest, I don’t even really believe in God.”
“OK. Now I’m confused…”
“I think if there really is a God he wants us to be confused.”
“How sad.”

I’m at the Pearly Gates. God says to me:
“You used the wrong toothpaste.”
“What? Really?”
“Yes. The brand you used was effective for 82 percent of your dental hygiene needs. The one I’m going to recommend to you is effective for 87 percent. You should also use mouthwash but don't be tempted to drink it. Now go back and live your life again with this wisdom in mind.”
“Jesus Christ!”
“No, God actually. Jesus is my rebellious son.”
“Sorry. I just didn’t realize the eternal ramifications of proper dental hygiene.”
“Well, now you know. Don’t bother with the whitening strips. That shit is too expensive.”

“You answered on the first ring."
"Yeah. I'm expecting a call."
"Hmmmm. That's odd. From who?"
"A contract killer."
"Seriously? What for?"
"I'm having myself killed."
"Why?" Because it is now perfectly obvious to me that I will never have the things I want in life and I'm tired of trying."
"Hmmmm...OK...I see. How's it going to go down?"
"Well, I pay him $2000 and I leave my apartment door unlocked and he comes strolling in with a gun equipped with a silencer and shoots me between the eyes while I'm sleeping. Gonna make my pillow look real pretty. And he makes it look like a robbery so I don't shame my family by being a coward. Which is basically what I am."
"Well, if it makes you feel any worse, I always thought of you as the cowardly type. And $2000 seems like a pretty fair price."
"Don't rub it in. I'm not looking for sympathy though. I'm way beyond that. My brain is just itching for a bullet, simple as that. There's no other way. I hate society and society hates me. Done. Just don't tell my family about this conversation we're having."
"No problem. I don't even like your family."
"Anyways, have a great life. You're not gonna miss me are you?"
"No, probably not. It seems I only call you when the people I really want to talk to are busy. You're basically last on my list."
"Glad to hear it. Another nail in the coffin. I'm really psyched for this. I really feel it's the right decision. Money well spent."
"Well, I just hope that in death you find the answers that you couldn't find in life." "Thanks, but I'm not religious. Heaven and hell just seem to be scare tactics. It's all quite ridiculous really. I'm just looking forward to some peace and quiet."
"Well good for you. I really don't know what else to say."
"There is nothing else to say. Goodbye."
"OK. Bye."

Observational Humour

Beauty is only skin deep, but hey, so is skin cancer.

There’s nothing wrong with praying unless you’re praying as you walk into a crowded market strapped with explosives.

It’s usually the people with the least to talk about who are the ones who talk the most.

To meditate is to handle time with an old pair of tattered oven mitts while piercing the darkness behind your eyes with a clarity born of accepting the nature of your ignorance.

Life is only a joke if everyone has a different punchline.

In the animal kingdom the weak are weeded out and killed or isolated and left to die. As for humanity, the weak are coddled like stupid, awkward children.

I see a bunch of cop cars, a fire truck and an ambulance down the street so I check it out. There’s a guy walking on a ledge on the top of a large parking garage…eight stories up. There’s a bunch of people chatting excitedly, borrowing cell phones and calling their friends. Everybody is looking on in anticipation. After about an hour he decides to live for another day. Nothing like a potential suicide to bring people together.

I was thinking about how often people use clichés when speaking and how annoying it can sometimes be. Then I silently wondered ‘Which cliché has the most universal significance?’ It came to me almost immediately. THE TRUTH HURTS.

You can only get by for so long when you’re suppressing your instincts. Everybody is looking for the thrill. Something to steer them away from their confused desires. Whether it’s holding your breath under water or slaughtering people in a video game. Each time you need a little bit more.

Is the media feeding your desire to justify your evil impulses?

How do you document failure without losing a part of yourself in the process?

Uncomfortable silences will find you.

Give you the shirt off my back? I wouldn’t even give you the shirt that’s been collecting dust in the corner of my closet for four years. And I fucking HATE that shirt.

Buy all that you can be.

“So your Mom’s out of the hospital?”
“Yeah. She’s doing alright.”
“So she’s back to her normal routine?”
“Yeah…Staring at the TV twelve hours a day in her usual semi-comatose state.
Sometimes I nudge her and remind her that the TV’s not on.”
“Well…glad to hear she’s doing better.”

“Hey sexy. Want some company?”
“No. You couldn’t turn me on with nuclear switches.”

"My shrink attacked me. Pinned me to the floor and started swearing at me."
"Holy shit. Why?"
"I guess I have a lot of problems."

"I don't like you playing those violent video games. Read a book or do something useful."
"But Mom, all the cool kids play these games."
"Oh. OK. That's fine then. Why didn't you tell me sooner?"

"I was lost until I found Jesus."
"I was lost until I got rid of him."

My friend’s mother bought him a really sharp looking leather jacket. So he says “Looks like I’ll be wearing cow as well as eating it. I could even do both at once.” And I say “If you were trapped inside a cow’s stomach and had to eat your way out you would technically be eating and wearing the cow at the same time also.” My friend says “How in hell would you become trapped inside a cow’s stomach?” to which I reply “That’s not important.”

This guy I know spends practically every waking moment watching television. The trashier and more useless the better. So I accidentally tripped on the cable cord and disconnected it. The guy jumps up like I just shot his gramma in the face. I had to tell him "So sorry...I didn't know that cord was your life support." Asshole.

A friend of mine is on a list that subsidizes rental properties. He's been on the list for eight years. I had to say to the guy "You could be waiting until they end up subsidizing your funeral arrangements."

I appreciate the way life recycles itself. Organic synthetics. Synthetic organics. What a clever mess this is that surrounds us. It makes me want to laugh myself to sleep just to be different.

I've met a lot of strange people in this city. It's been very helpful.

I don’t gamble with my money. I gamble with my life.

When you tell someone you love them you don't want their answer to be "OK".

It is truly a tragedy when a rock star goes bald. A TRAGEDY FOR US ALL.

You know you’re in trouble when your fear of the known surpasses your fear of the unknown.

I just discovered the meaning of life but I’M SO FUCKING EXCITED I can’t articulate it properly.

Poets. Yawn. You come up to me on the street and start using fractured sentences and repeating yourself for no good reason you get hit. HARD.

While you’re out there smelling the flowers and admiring all the goddamn beauty I’m trying really hard to stay away from weapons.

Who finds a needle in a haystack? A junkie with a $300 a day habit.

Sometimes I think it’s worth staying alive just to see how everybody else dies.

Being insane has kept me from going crazy.

I read that the Government spends more of its resources registering duck hunters than sex offenders. Now why don’t we combine those ideas and genetically engineer a duck that will isolate sex offenders and mutilate their genitals. Or something like that.

I believe that it really helps the cops out when a citizen takes the law into their own hands.

Perhaps an indication of the times we live in, a major wholesale retailer now carries COFFINS…a whole section devoted to coffins. What’s next? A package deal with gravestones? 25 percent off the engravings on a gravestone with the purchase of any coffin over $500? For those of you who plan ahead…maybe they could throw in a rope with a noose already tied to perfection or some cyanide as your beverage of choice. Hey, maybe your DNA is going out of style. This is BUSINESS, people.

A typical newscast goes like this: Disaster. Tragedy. Injustice. Madness. Chaos. Hatred. And at the end they tack on some feel good story about an abandoned puppy who now has a new home. LOOK AT THE PUPPY. HE MAKES EVERYTHING ALRIGHT. LOVE THAT PUPPY. WHAT AN ADORABLE LITTLE FUCKING PUPPY. To all the people who’s lives were mercilessly destroyed : IT WAS NOT IN VAIN. THE GODDAMN PUPPY IS HAPPY IN HIS NEW HOME. THE WORLD FINALLY HAS BALANCE AGAIN.

Most psychiatrists are just high priced drug dealers. A shrink told me he couldn't be an artist because he didn't have the ability to look that deep inside himself and the world around him. Oh, and I guess toying with the human mind is a shallow occupation. You might call it fast food psychiatry. I can just see him lying on the beach in some exotic location without a thought in his head.

My roommate had a bet with a friend that he wouldn't hug his own mother. He couldn't remember the last time he had hugged her. So, he asked her if he could. She looked confused. "What are you trying to prove?" she demanded. She briefly considered that he might have a knife behind his back. So, he hugged her. It was excruciatingly uncomfortable for both of them. His mom then said "You realize I'm going to be up all night trying to make sense of this." Truly a heartwarming story.

I used to have a roommate who sniffed a lot of glue when she was a teenager. It was obvious that she had some brain damage as well as serious emotional problems. She couldn't look people in the eye when she talked to them. One day, when we were stoned, I just had to ask her "What were you trying to do, build a plastic model in your brain?" Or maybe the glue was holding her fragile brain together. Hmmmmmm...

What's new in a world that doesn't care about everything? Who's nothing hoping for something? Who's nothing getting nothing in return? Who's nothing spending everything? Who's everything caring about nothing? Who's getting it higher up seeing everything?
Who's giving up a few things to spend on people? Who's saying what counts? Who's using it up?

You can’t teach an old dog new tricks but you can shoot him and blame it on the voices in your head then make up some bullshit story about how unique and special you are.

I’ll go out screaming before I go out begging. And I’ll give your woman a fake orgasm anytime, anywhere.

There’s a ceiling below me and a floor above my head. My brain needs plastic surgery.

Why is it always the unspeakable crimes that people talk about most?

People die of starvation and loneliness and for no reason at all. Now clean yourself up. Get your brain sorted out and come back when you resemble a goddamn human being. You’re dying right in front of my eyes. It’s just too goddamn pathetic. I mean, it’s really fucking sad. Think back to a time when your life made sense and go find it. Just keep the line moving, it’s a busy day. A lot of people are just looking to fuck up and I’m sorting them out and it seems like it’s taking an eternity. It’s just a goddamn mess and the smell is fucking unbelievable.

What do you mean you don’t know what I’m talking about? Where have you been? Iraq? In the arms of a prison bitch? You have a stunning talent for stating the obvious.
Are you running stop signs in your brain again? You whine too much. You sound like that fucking Fisher Price barn I had when I was a kid.

For every gymnast or other athlete that makes it to the Olympics there are thousands who have ruined their bodies and live in chronic pain because their joints and tendons have withered from prolonged stress, usually starting at a young age when the body is still developing. And no, I’m not saying this because I just did 500 sit-ups and pissed blood. That’s today’s lesson. Fucked if I know what you’ll do with it.

One person thought it was so hysterical they laughed until they coughed up blood until they had to be hospitalized.
Others found it hilarious.
To some it was laugh out loud funny.
Many found it mildly amusing.
Yet another found it good for a chuckle.
Other responses thought it to be vaguely involving, offensive and insensitive, brutally sadistic and a hideous mockery of all that is moral and sacred.
One person found it so overwhelming as to contemplate some form of immediate suicide.
This person was hospitalized as well. (story comes full circle without any context given.)

The government should over-tax the poor so they have a harder time arming themselves.

On TV it’s OK to shred somebody with a chainsaw and stomp on their brains until they leak into the sewer but show a nipple and the whole world comes crashing down.

I’ve heard religious people utter the phrase “Rest in Peace”. Make up your mind. Eternal life or eternal peace? Which is it? Hypocrites.

I know you’re punk rock and kick serious ass or whatever but spending an hour in front of the mirror each day kind of defeats the purpose. You’re about as interesting as a celebrity horoscope.

What’s the deal with people and tap water? When did it become wrong to drink tap water? I swear, I’m out with this girl and she buys bottled water and I get regular tap water and she looks at me like I just took a shit on her pillow.

“Dude. Picture this. You meet the girl of your dreams. Beautiful face…amazing personality…nice tits…great ass. But you find out she has a dick. What would you do?”
“Goddamn. You gotta stop getting your porn from the discount bins.”

“When I told you I wanted to be pampered I didn’t mean buy me adult diapers. I meant treat me like the special person I am and be romantic and thoughtful.”
“Sorry. I thought you were coming to terms with some kind of diaper fetish.”

Have you ever sat down and watched the channel that broadcasts live from the House of Commons? These people would get more done if they sat in a circle in a dimly lit room and jerked-off on a monkey skull.

Defense mechanisms eroding. Body weakening under the abuse. Character flaws on course for collision. Suppressed emotions bubbling to the surface. Leaning over the edge at an unsustainable angle. Breathing and grieving and trying to pay off a debt to the universe. Plague coming in impossible disguises. Should I hate myself for hating? A short, reckless life. Running from all that is ugly. The smell of people rotting from the inside out. This grinning sin. This burning skin. An endless recycling of souls. Looking for the perfect loophole while eternally suspended in space.